Tag: Treatment Options

  • Mental Illness Treatment Intensity and the Impact on Polyamory

    FYI, depression is once again trying to kick my ass. Posts may be delayed while I’m getting it back under control. Thankfully, so far I seem to be winning. Last week I talked about the range of treatment from hospitalization to home care–ie the different levels of intensity of care that is available to people…

  • Course of Treatment: Treatment Options–Treatment Intensity

    In Western medicine, there are varying levels of treatment for mental illness. In theory, the more you are able to take care of and manage your own mental health care, the lower the level of treatment you receive. Hospitalization Hospitalization for mental illness has a bad reputation. A reputation that is historically valid but far…

  • Course of Treatment: Treatment Options — Alternative Medicine

    Last week, we look at alternative therapies. This week we’ll be looking a bit further afield, at alternative medicine. What’s the difference? Alternative therapies all try to fit within the framework of psychology. Even the alternative therapies you should run like hell from (like rebirthing) use psychology to explain why they are supposed to work.…

  • Course of Treatment: Treatment Options

    There are a number of treatment options for mental illness, both in terms of types of treatment (medication, therapy, etc) and manner of treatment (hospitalization, weekly sessions, rehab). As part of looking at the course of treatment for mental illness, we’re going to take a close look at different kinds of treatment, their pros and…