Tag: Treatment for Mental Illness
Course of Treatment: Treatment Options — Home Care
Let me get this out of the way first. Being able to take care of your mental health at home is pretty awesome, but it isn’t for everyone. As a primary treatment, home care works best for people who have experience dealing with their mental illness. You need to be able to recognize a downturn…
Course of Treatment: Treatment Options — Alternative Therapies
Sorry for the late post. Next post should be on time tomorrow. Understanding Alternative Therapies For purposes of this discussion, I am using “Alternative therapies” to refer to mental health therapies which are not commonly available and/or are often not covered by insurance. Alternative therapies cover a lot of ground, and I can only begin to introduce…
Course of Treatment: Treatment Options – Medication
Gah! Late again! Sorry folks, what was supposed to be a 2-hour out-patient deal yesterday turned into a full day at the hospital thanks to a mild reaction to anesthesia. Disclaimer: I have some very strong feelings about the use of psychiatric medication. I’m going to be as even handed as I can here,…
Mental Illness: The Course of Treatment
As I mentioned at the start of this series, getting treatment for mental illness can be a difficult process. So we’re going to take a few days to look at what you can expect treatment to look like, and how your poly partners can help the process (or at least avoid harming it). This discussion…
Polyamory and Mental Illness Blog Series
Polyamory and Mental Illness (Guest post by Clementine Morgan) Facts About Mental Illness for Poly Partners Opening Up About Mental Illness How Can I Support my Mentally Ill Poly Partner? (Part 1) How Can I Support my Mentally Ill Poly Partner? (Part 2) A Rant: “I Know I am Being Irrational Right Now” When Polyamory…