Tag: Psychiatric Medications

  • Mental Illness and Polyamory Recap

    This blog series is already one of the longest I’ve written, and I’m about to add a bunch more information. So before we dive back in I decided it would be good to do a quick recap of the key points of the series so far. Educate Yourself If one of your poly partners suffers…

  • Course of Treatment: The Treatment Roller Coaster

    Here’s the way psych treatment goes in the movies. You’re suffering through some serious shit when you get taken in hand by a quirky doctor with a love of life and some magic pills. Under the doctor’s tutelage you embrace life again, and the magic pills restore you to healthy mental state, where you live…

  • Mental Illness Treatment Intensity and the Impact on Polyamory

    FYI, depression is once again trying to kick my ass. Posts may be delayed while I’m getting it back under control. Thankfully, so far I seem to be winning. Last week I talked about the range of treatment from hospitalization to home care–ie the different levels of intensity of care that is available to people…

  • Course of Treatment: Treatment Options – Medication

    Gah! Late again! Sorry folks, what was supposed to be a 2-hour out-patient deal yesterday turned into a full day at the hospital thanks to a mild reaction to anesthesia.    Disclaimer: I have some very strong feelings about the use of psychiatric medication. I’m going to be as even handed as I can here,…