Tag: Polyamory Legal Challenges

  • The Polya Bystander: I Just Want to Be Left Alone

    Updated version of the article first appearing on Postmodern Woman. If there’s one thing that helps keep polya people from experiencing discrimination like other minorities, it’s that there’s often some sense of privacy. For many people, they can practice their non-monogamy in relative peace. They can simply spend less time with any possible family that…

  • Legal Challenges to Polyamory Wrap Up

    At this point I’ve covered legal challenges to polyamory. Topics ranged from anti-bigamy/polygamy laws, to the lack of protection against discrimination in the work place. In the wake of the US Supreme Court decision in support of same sex marriage, US news coverage has had a lot of interest in poly marriage. There are LGBT…

  • Laws and legal practices affecting our children

    If you’re been following this blog for a while, you’ll understand why today’s topic is a personally painful one. I’m not going to go as in depth as a usually do, in an attempt to avoid triggering myself. If anyone else has knowledge or personal experience in this area, please feel free to share in…

  • Laws Preventing Polyamorous Families From Living Together

    Standard disclaimer–I am not a lawyer, always speak with a professional. Non-standard disclaimer–This post will be a bit more US-centric than usual. I don’t know anything about this kind of municipal law in other countries. Please leave comments with any information you can add! Depending on where you are, who you ask, and what your…

  • Laws About and Affecting Non-Monogamy

    Standard disclaimer: I am not a lawyer or legal expert. For legal advice consult a lawyer in your area. Bigamy, Adultery, and other Laws Laws about and affecting non-monogamy are very common throughout the world. These laws vary widely, but in general they will take a few forms. Laws against bigamy Laws against bigamy are most…

  • Polyamory Legal Challenges

    Given the response to Chief Justice Roberts’ dissent, including his speculation on poly marriage, This is a very good time to take a look at some of the legal challenges facing poly and other non-monogamous folk both in the US and around the world.* So for the time being Sunday blog posts will be dedicated…