Tag: Names

  • Family Names: Legal Stuff

    Nothing much changed here. Laws in the UK and the US don’t seem to have changed much the last few years. If know anything about the laws in other countries, please share in the comments! Revised Jan 29, 2017. Disclaimer part 1: I am not a lawyer, or more than a moderately competent researcher, please…

  • Family Name – Decisions, Decisions

    This post really reflects my original bias towards highly entwined group relationships. The original was also heavily heteronormative. I think I’ve managed to remove all the heteronormativity, but the focus on entwined group relationships is kind of built into the topic. Also the usual grammar and readability fixes. Revised Jan 17, 2017. As seems to…

  • Pregnancy and Polyamory: Picking Baby Names

    Did my best to removed gendered language and fixed some really poorly written sentences. Other than that, it’s much the same as it always was. Revised 1/16/17. Picking baby names is one of the great joys of pregnancy. Also a real pain in the you-know-what. There are two extremes of name picking: those who have…

  • Etiquette for Polyamory Partners and Children

    I talked about interactions between poly partners and children a couple of times in the Raising Children in a Poly Family blog series. But this apparently an issue a lot of people stress about, so I’m going to pull it all together in one place. This article assumes that you want your children to meet…