Tag: Dating

  • Polya Relationship Expectations: Nothing for Granted

    Updated version of a previously published article on Postmodern Woman. Up front and honest. Heard and understood. Let’s both (all) be right. No either-or thinking. Surface vs. Substance. No expectations. Humanity (individuality) first. No defaults. In all things, my values came (and still come) first. I didn’t grow up with stability or honesty or respect.…

  • Mental Illness and Dating for Polyamorous Folk Part 3

    So far we’ve talked about how mental illness can interfere with dating, dating as a numbers game, and ways you can shift those numbers in your favor. Today we’re finally going to look at tips and tricks for keeping mental illness from fucking with you too much while you are meeting people/dating. Pick Your Venue…

  • Mental Illness and Dating for Polyamorous Folk, Part II

    Last week we talked about the first rule of dating: dating is a numbers game. The problems for people with mental illness (and many other people as well) are: 1) Mental illness can lower the number of people who are attracted to you 2) Mental illness can make it hard to meet people, making it…

  • Polyamory: Who Pays for Dates?

    This isn’t a poly thing so much as a dating thing. But it comes up enough I wanted to tackle it here. In “traditional” American dating, the man asked the woman and the man paid for the date. As social mores have changed, the issue has become confused. Some people “go dutch” with both people…

  • Telling a Date You Are Polyamorous

    One of the major hassles of being poly is finding other poly folk to date. Some of us only date through local poly groups or online, where we can be sure our date is poly friendly. Some of us can be more comfortable diving into the local dating pool. But when you are dating someone…

  • Face It: We’ve All Got Baggage

    I’m delving a bit more into dating advice than I’m really comfortable with today, but there’s an issue I’ve skirted around in a few places that recently smacked me between the eyes. And I’m calling bullshit. A common trope of polyamory is the desire for “drama-free” relationships. The desire to avoid partners with lots of…