Category: Legal Stuff

  • Legal Status of Polygamy/Bigamy: US N-Ne

    Again, mostly just adding links to Jason Cherry’s much better summaries, just click the state names to go to the relevant summary. And fixing some typos and such. Edited Oct 20, 2018) Dealing with craziness this week. Posts may be short or erratic. Happy new years all. The following is not intended as legal advice.…

  • Legal Status of Polygamy/Bigamy: US M

    It was in writing this post that I first discovered Jason Cherry’s work. In addition to his state law reviews he has a number of other essays and reviews of US law re: non-monogamy. If you have any interest in legal status of non-monogamy or potential to change laws regarding non-monogamy, Jason’s blog is a…

  • Legal Status of Polygamy/Bigamy: US H-L

    As noted last week, instead of trying to update this series myself, I’m linking each state to Jason Cherry’s much more thorough and cited reviews. Some changes for grammar/typos/etc. Updated 9/28/17 As usual, this is for general info purposes and is not intended a legal advice. Hawaii: Jason Cherry’s review Okay, Hawaii is a damn…

  • Legal Status of Polygamy/Bigamy: United States A-G

    I delayed dealing with this series of posts because I wasn’t sure how to approach them. One thing I’ve knows is I don’t have the spoons and/or resources to do a proper job of updating and fixing all the problems (like lack of citations) with how I approached this series. Ultimately, while it is several…

  • Polyamory and Children: Legal Stuff

    Minimal changes here. A few years ago I expanded this topic into a short series. Revised 4/13/17. I wasn’t planning on tackling this topic for a while yet, but I’m afraid I can’t think of anything else to write on about polyam and children right now. Not because there isn’t much more to say, but…

  • Yay Life Insanity! (And Canadian Court Cases)

    Most of this “not posting this week” posts I’ll end up deleting rather than editing and updating, because, well, a post saying “I won’t be posting today” 5+ years ago isn’t exactly relevant now, ya know? But this one also contains my immediate reaction to the big court case in Canada that challenged Canada’s anti-polygamy…

  • A Personal Digression: Custody Case

    I’ve fixed a few typos here and changed one instance of “polies” to “polyam folk.” Otherwise this is exactly as I posted it in the fall of 2011, including signed with a name I no longer use. My ex’s lawyer did in fact print this post out and ask me, while on the witness stand,…

  • Family Names: Legal Stuff

    Nothing much changed here. Laws in the UK and the US don’t seem to have changed much the last few years. If know anything about the laws in other countries, please share in the comments! Revised Jan 29, 2017. Disclaimer part 1: I am not a lawyer, or more than a moderately competent researcher, please…

  • Pregnancy and Polyamory: Picking Baby Names

    Did my best to removed gendered language and fixed some really poorly written sentences. Other than that, it’s much the same as it always was. Revised 1/16/17. Picking baby names is one of the great joys of pregnancy. Also a real pain in the you-know-what. There are two extremes of name picking: those who have…

  • Polyamory and Pregnancy: Legal Stuff

    Removed gendered references to the other (ie not pregnant) bio parent. Corrected some info. A few other minor changes. Revised Jan 15, 2017. Probably the biggest potential hassle in being polyamorous and pregnant is the birth certificate. (Yup, legal messes are always the worst kind.) In this case, it’s the issue of legal paternity. First…