Category: Finance

  • Polyamory and Finance: Risk or Safety?

    Building on previous posts, today we’re talk about the first of your financial priorities: risk or safety. Risk or Safety At first glance, you might ask why anyone would prioritize risk. The short version is that in money stuff, risk is usually tied to opportunity. As a general rule, the more you have, the more…

  • Polyamory and Money Stuff: How Prioritizing the Individual or the Group Affects Money

    A few weeks ago, I spent some time riffing on polyamory and finance and I ended with the idea that both polyamory and money stuff require us to set priorities, and which priorities we set affects the decisions we make. For polyamory, I mentioned three choices we make: to prioritize our need or desire for…

  • Polyamory and Money Stuff: How Being Polyam Affects Money

    Last week, I spent some time riffing on polyamory and finance and I ended with the idea that both polyamory and money stuff require us to set priorities, and which priorities we set affects the decisions we make. For polyamory, I mentioned three choices we make: to prioritize our need or desire for multiple relationships…

  • Riffing on Polyamory and Finance

    Don’t have anything specific I want to talk about today, or the spoons to put together a nice orderly post about this or that idea. So I’m just going to take some time to riff on polyamory, finance, and shit and see what we get. Not quite going to be stream of conscious, but something…

  • What Do You Owe Yourself?

    This post is going to be a lot more personal and a lot less practical than most here, but I hope folks will find it meaningful. There is a strong push towards individualism in the polyam community today. And long time readers may have noticed that this push doesn’t always sit well with me. I…

  • The Power of Cash

    I mentioned last week that for some people, entwining finances is less a matter of choice than of necessity. That necessity comes at a cost—the cost of autonomy and the risk someone having power over you. The Power of Cash A few days ago, I saw someone comment that they were solo poly because they’d…

  • Back to the Numbers: Finances and Budgeting for Polyam Folks

    After a long break, I am finally ready to start writing new posts again. So moving forward, Sundays will be a new post each week while Thursdays will continue with the updates and revisions of old posts. Michon Neal will continue posting hir thoughts and writings on Tuesdays. For new posts, I’m going back to…

  • Two Things a Poly Group Home Needs to Save For

    Every poly home will handle saving for the future differently. For my money, here are two things every poly group home needs to save for. (excerpted from the draft of The Polyamorous Home) Moving Cushion One critical fact of life is that nothing is static–including relationships. Many poly households eventually face the need for someone…

  • Budgeting with a House Spouse

    For many families, having a “house spouse” can make keeping up with the housework (and, if you have them, children!) easier. Everyone in your home can juggle schedules do manage child care and scramble to do laundry and cleaning on your days off. Or one person can take responsibility for laundry, cleaning, cooking, childcare, and…

  • Guest Post: How Separate Bank Accounts Helped Make Our Open Marriage Work

    When my wife Jane and I got married, two years after we met, we chose to combine all of our money together. This worked for us because we were (relatively) young, we had no previous marriages or kids or significant assets, and we knew we wanted to entwine our lives in a way that would…