Polyamory Legal Challenges

Given the response to Chief Justice Roberts’ dissent, including his speculation on poly marriage, This is a very good time to take a look at some of the legal challenges facing poly and other non-monogamous folk both in the US and around the world.*

So for the time being Sunday blog posts will be dedicated to polyamory legal challenges, including:

  1. Laws affecting non-monogamy: bigamy, fornication, adultery, etc
  2. Laws affecting where we can live: health codes and zoning laws
  3. Laws and legal practices affecting our children: custody laws and child protective services, paternity laws, etc
  4. Laws and legal practices affecting our work: anti-discrimination laws (or the lack of them)
  5. Laws impacting our finances: inheritance law, joint property law, corporate law
  6. Laws and legal practices impacting our health: insurance law, privacy laws, hospital rules and regulations, medical power of attorney

If you know of or are interested in any other legal challenges facing poly folk, in the US or around the world, please let me know in the comments and I’ll do my best to include it.

Usual disclaimer: I am not a legal expert or lawyer, and nothing included in this blog is intended as legal advice. This blog is for information purposes only if you are facing an issue involving the law, please contact an attorney who has passed the bar in your area.


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*I will be continuing the Mental Illness and Polyamory blog series, but it is a very intense topic and writing on it twice a week is burning me out. Plus, the legal stuff is just plain topical. So I’m going to cover mental illness one day a week for a little while. Look for the next mental illness blog post Thursdays.


